Friday, November 6, 2015

Who chooses whom? Do you sport or he to you?

From left to right: endomorfismo, mesomorphism and ectomorphism

We all remember as the mythical and fantastic Michael Jordan, one of their retired NBA decided to change basketball to baseball to fulfill the promise he made to his father and, despite not pay anywhere near the same level as He did as a basketball player, he was able to compete in a professional league to an acceptable and even enviable to most mortals level. We have also seen many times other athletes like Rafael Nadal and Fernando Alonso playing golf or football to a negligible level. It seems that there are certain people who are born to play sports, whatever. They seem to be endowed with a special competitive gene, a magic that only have a few and makes them perform well in more than one sport.
In this article we will reveal who has myth and reality has some predisposition to certain sports and for this biotype study of people and the influence of his anatomy to one or another sport. Moreover, we see no other factors are also involved in the choice of our sport.
What is biotope? What is the difference between the two? What affects? How is it determined?
Somatotype or biotype is the classification given to people based on their morphology, that is, their body shape. Somatotype has a high genetic content but is also susceptible to changes due to growth, aging, exercise and nutrition.
To find the biotype of a person there are three ways or methods, ranging from the simplest to the most complicated and perhaps, in the case of the latter are more intended to professional athletes and elite athletes.
1. Method fotoscópico the classification is obtained from three standardized with three different planes from which photographs the data needed to estimate the somatotype are obtained.
2. anthropometric method: anthropometry used to classify the human body. It is obtained through quantifiable measurements. It is easy to carry out by measuring diameters, perimeters, skinfolds and basic measures noninvasive method.
3. Method anthropometric + fotoscópico: combines the above two methods to classify body shape.

According to the method of Heath-Carter (most currently used) technique to find our biotype be based on the collection and interpretation of three components that determine the trend relative to a particular physical type. These standardized types classify individuals into endomorphs, or mesomorphic ectomorph. But what are the characteristics of each and how do I know in which group I'm in?
endomorfismo (relative predominance fat) are usually people who accumulate fat easily, look rounded body lines and usually tend to overweight. Often they have short arms and legs, hips and broad shoulders and a rounded head. Overall your metabolism is slow with respect to ectomorph and mesomorph and usually are not passionate about sport or physical activity.
mesomorphism (skeletal muscle predominance) usually muscular and naturally athletic people. They tend to have low levels of body fat. They tend to rapid muscle gain when performing strength exercises or athletic training programs. Your metabolism tends to be fast. They are presenting the body with the V-shaped trunk, hips and narrow strong upper and lower extremities. They are people who exercise often, which include within their lifestyle.
ectomorphism (relative predominance linearity) are usually people with long limbs, their bone structures are elongated and usually your body weight is low. They are typical naturally lean. They have little subcutaneous fat.
It is possible to check the data that we have given, do not find 100% between any of the three groups. This is normal, in fact the Heath-Carter method classifies subjects in 13 categories ...!, In which body parts can be mixed in both categories. For example, a subject may be classified ecto-mesomorph or endomorph ecto-depending on their body characteristics. And that goes for the other two categories in the same way, we can find subjects whose data indicate that their type is endomórfica or meso-meso-ectomórfica. This is the result of obtaining data through formulas that provide three numbers separated by hyphens, in which each represents one of three views body shapes.
What is undeniable is that, based on the morphology, exhibit certain physical characteristics is related to the possibility of a high performance sports in a particular or specific disciplines. This fact makes the study of somatotype is particularly important for professional sport when looking for better results or future talent. Currently, the high performance training is so highly qualified and extremely careful so that any small detail can make a difference in the outcome of a competition. Anthropometry is that classifies individuals based on their main elements, clasificándoles according to body type

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