Friday, November 6, 2015

What to do if ...

For tendinitis in the Achilles tendon: on a small height, rises with both feet and slowly descends only one

drawbacks, sometimes injury situations which we know to respond appear. At other times, hesitant to combine different content, food and even everyday life with our day to day we arise sports. If you have not yet emerged these questions, you may find them sooner rather than later. So you're prepared, you resolve these situations.
→ Being hungry just before training
The feeling of hunger is caused by a drop in blood glucose, the hypoglycemia is like an alarm system that triggers various mechanisms to think about eating. Only to disappear two situations; or that fill our stomach to distend its walls, not very compatible question before you start to exercise, or, get raise blood glucose. For the second option, dextrose can eat something quick assimilation as a sports drink, but our body has mechanisms to shed blood glucose from muscle and liver stores and the stimulus that causes this mechanism is ... the exercise itself. If we look at some start moving, hunger disappears.
To avoid digestive and uncomfortable changes, you should not eat anything just before training. If your diet is correct, your body will have mechanisms to bring you the necessary energy from its reserves, if perhaps a sports drink may be the best option, its sugars are maltodrextrina based, which are glucose polymers with moderate glycemic index.
Obviously, this option is viable when you have two or three hours without eating. For situations of prolonged fasting can be inconvenient, especially for people with low fitness level.
→ Wear knee joint
Cartilage is an irreparable structure does not regenerate. When it begins to erode no symptoms and it is not innervated. When the pain is already appears too late, the cartilage is very worn. The knee is usually the joint most likely to this injury, especially in people who have run by asphalt and / or poor technique.
Many people continue to run and use knee pads, creams or sprays painkillers and even medicate to avoid pain. There is a basic rule that says "if it hurts, do not do", applies to any activity and exercise. The least desirable is that the joint surfaces of the knee continue to receive impacts, it is necessary to change the race for other activities with lower load, walking with canes, use the bike with a saddle height or swimming. They are much less damaging cardiovascular alternatives.
Moreover, it is appropriate to include a program to strengthen the muscles as they reinforce the joint and absorb the load get minimizing stress on the joint.
Try to work both quadriceps and hamstrings, the latter are also inserted around this joint and affect its natural mechanics.
Start with isometric exercises such as squats against the wall, thigh machine or just keep the knee extended in various angles for a few seconds with a load as ballast, tension, raise a fixed object ...
Subsequently, it includes multi-joint exercises like deadlifts, squats and scissors. Reduces the degree of travel and increase the load very gradually.
He works both legs, not just the injured, avoid possible imbalances.
→ That tendinitis in his Achilles

Tendinitis in the large and powerful Achilles tendon is a very common disorder in runners who train on asphalt. The tendon receives very high tensions and inflamed causing pain. Besides avoiding run by hard surfaces, it is necessary to improve mobility and strengthen muscles and connective tissue.
The first step is to eliminate stress, to this end, a fascial massage roller or ball on the back of the calf, hamstrings and plantar fascia is a very effective measure. It is essential to apply before exercise.
Subsequently, the eccentric work has proved very effective for treating chronic Achilles tendinopathy. Start with low intensity and low range, such as sitting, to keep progressing until performing standing exercises and wider ranges.

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