Friday, November 6, 2015

How do you fit? Check your fitness level and health

Have you ever thought what your fitness? Sure. All we have done on occasion, but would we know to be targets for self-assess? Often ourselves or our acquaintances say phrases like "with free time I have left to exercise, I'm not bad" or "for my age I keep pretty well, and that I do not do much" Are you sure? After reading this article, in 15 minutes you will truly know what your true physical condition.

Maybe you wonder what is the physical condition and how it affects your health. In more than you think you, is something that accompanies us at all times, on the way to work, to the gym, to go to bed ... It's the ability to perform activities in our day to day with vigor and enough energy to enjoy what we like, life and sports. In addition, it is one of the best predictors of some aspects related to health. In this article we show the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle regarding physical fitness and we offer a number of tips and tricks to increasingly enjoy a healthier life.
The 4 elements of fitness related to health are aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. If you want to evaluate quickly as you find in each of these factors, we explain briefly how you can do:
1. Endurance

Capacity cardiovascular and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to the body during physical activity sustained over time. A short and simple test to find out your fitness in this aspect is the test Ruffier-Dickson. This test measures the ability of cardiac recovery related to physical activity. Take note.

• First measure your resting heart rate for 15 ', and note the result (P1)
• Second you have to do 30 sit-ups in 45 "
• Check your pulse again for 15 "and note the output (P2)
• Wait a minute and take back the beats for 15 "(P3)
• Apply the formula to know the result: 4 x (P1 + P2 + P3) - 200/10

Excellent: 0: Whatever you're doing, keep it up! You are on fire!

Notable: 1 to 5. Congratulations, you are above average and still have room for improvement. You can increase your aerobic capacity with some HIIT training, you also will become more fun and motivating.

Good: 6 to 10. You're not wrong, you try to add one more session to your workouts or walk more, play a practice match on Thursday without fail, etc.

Enough: 11 to 15. Uuuyyyy !! Very nearly. But you're on the right track, you show reading Sport Life, now you just need to launch the advice we give you. Cheer up! Begins to run out 2 times a week 30 ', or cycling 60' also 2 times a week.

Insufficient. More than 15. You should worry more about your health. Start by visiting your doctor and ask for advice to start a workout plan. Test by performing light exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week (minimum WHO recommendation for healthy living).

2 Muscular endurance:
Ability of muscles to maintain an activity without fatigue. To check your muscle strength can do the Burpee s. As its name suggests, you have to make every burpees as possible, corrected for one minute.

Stand up and make a first jump with arms up, then drop down to the ground and put your hands as shown in the picture, from the packed position stretch your legs as if you were to perform a background of arms. Merge grouped with a jump forward and start again as many times as you can in 60 ".


60 repetitions: Excellent. Are you an athlete? Your physical condition is enviable. Continues well.

51-60 repeteiciones: Good You crack of fitness and your friends watching you with admiration.. Also, if you spend a little more time to your workouts, you can still improve.

31-40 repetitions. Normal Ok. Try to be more consistent in your workouts and increases a little intensity to improve gradually. Soon you'll see results. If you can, with 1 or 2 strength sessions per week you should start to improve. Circuit works as large muscle groups and make 2-3 sets and 12-15 repetitions.

Under 30: Bad sure you're not familiar with what we call sport or physical activity, but not discouraged, the fact that you've taken the test means that you have begun to worry about your physical condition.. Salt to run a few times a week, strength training can intersperse during these workouts. For example, run 10 min, beam 10 to 20 funds arms, run another 10 min and repeated funds extending the hand support to vary muscle involvement. If you have trouble, try to support the knees. You can add some funds for triceps leaning on a park bench. It ends with another 5-10 min, and make 2-4 changes of pace during 4 'to end the beginning of your new life.

3 Flexibility:
It is the range of motion of a joint, it is also the ability of your muscles to adapt by lengthening the different degrees of joint movement. Preserve our flexibility and joint mobility is key to a healthier life and to progress in our respective sports, sure you've ever tried to reach something on the floor and have noticed a puncture in the back of the thigh or sleeping at night you has awakened incredible pain in the calf. It may not stretch after your workouts enough and you are taking a toll. When evaluating flexibility your arms, trunk and legs has come.

Hip flexibility test-trunk-legs (adaptation): position yourself standing on a step. Puts a tape measure from the floor to the edge of the step. Without bending your knees, try to get as far as possible below the edge of the step.

More than 19 cm: Excellent sure you worry to stretch well after each training session and you include stretching as a key part of your routine..

15 to 18 cm Very good of you to stretch after training but you can still go one step further in your training.. Increases the duration of your little stretching and seeks help to increase your rank.

Of 8-14 cm: Well Well, you have a good ability.. If you want to improve, WHO recommends stretching in all muscle groups for 10 minutes, 4 or 5 days a week. Remember not feel pain (or at least too) and it is preferable to avoid the rebounds.

Of 0-7 cm. Normal. Well, not bad. You know that this is a skill that improves with practice instantly. That is, if today you do the test and stretch for 10 minutes, tomorrow you will improve your marks. Check it out, and stretching step becomes a daily routine, as we should do all.

Less than 5 to 0. You have less flexibility than a plaster cat. You must begin to take seriously this part of your training, because if you do notice significant muscle and enhance performance. It begins with 10 "per muscle group and go gradually increasing up to 30".

Flexibility test of arms:
Put cube lying in prone (face down), with the nose on the ground and a rope in his hands in front of the head. You must climb the rope as possible without lifting the nose of the soil and measure the distance you've managed to raise with the rope in his hands.

More than 41 cm: Excellent phenomenal.! Your range of motion is very broad. That will help you to achieve all the goals you Plantées in your sport.

Of 37-41 cm: Very Good. Very good. You have a flexibility that allows your muscles better and also develop as a result you prevent injuries. Keep it up.

33 to 35 cm. Normal Correct, occasionally you stretch, but remember it is not enough. The more ability to stretch your muscles have more and better development and resilience. After so much contraction and relaxation of muscles after a workout, stretching back facilitate blood flow to that area and speed recovery.

Less than 33: Wrong. You have to take more seriously this part of the training. Remember this is a functional element and one of the leading causes of injury due to lack of muscle flexibility and joint. Rock out and begins to stretch. Do it three days a week for 10 minutes, follow the tips we offer in and become more flexible.
4. Body Composition

It refers to the relative amounts of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital body parts. The fastest and easiest way to calculate this relationship is the BMI (Body Mass Index) is a simple formula that can be applied only knowing our weight and our height. Once you have that data, you only have to apply this formula and verify the data of the table.

BMI = weight (kg) / height (m2) (squared)
Example, BMI = 65 kg / 1.75 x 1.75; BMI = 65 / 3.06; BMI = 21.24
Divide your weight in kg between your height in meters squared, so easy.
Women Men Assessment
Less than 16
Less than 17
17 to 20
18 to 20
21 to 24
21 to 25
25 to 29
26 to 30
30 to 34
31 to 35
36 to 40
Marked obesity
40 or more
40 or more
Morbid obesity

BMI gives us an interesting fact from the perspective of health and physical activity and sport. We must bear in mind that the data sometimes are not entirely objective, especially in the case of athletes. It may be that people with athletic build, present a priori mark indexes overweight. This is because this calculation does not take into account lean mass, so you have to know how to interpret the results. If you are an athlete you know that if you have a value above 26 will probably have major difficulties in the disciplines of strength and advantage in strength, and if you have values ​​below 20 just the opposite. In general I must say that if you're in values ​​below 17 or above 30 are at risk and you should consult your doctor to begin to change and enjoy a healthier life.

HEALTH: WHO defines this as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease.

According to the Foundation for Nutrition Research, 42% of Spaniards never done any physical activity.

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