Friday, November 6, 2015

5 Tricks to achieve your ideal weight and improve your brand

It's not just a matter of having good looking in a swimsuit, weight is also important for athletic performance in the disciplines in which you have to move, as the run or cycling mainly.
If you can lose weight without removing muscle you'll improve your marks by a simple physical issue. And keep in mind that it is not the same as losing weight by simple cosmetic issue to lose weight to improve athletically.

When you're training, your primary nutritional need is to have the energy to achieve maximum performance during training and also recover as soon as possible of each session to be strong in the next. Calorie ration "by storm" is not the most logical thing in this case. To remove fat you have to combine a minimum daily caloric deficit with a program that is not compromised by this reduction. And note that this does not have to do it in competition period but before or after. Ideally, if you tend to gain weight, it is that before starting phase toughest workouts devote 4 to 6 weeks to build your base, with less intensity and applying the advice that we give below:

1. Moderate caloric deficit. Do not choice but to contribute less than your body burns each day, but it should not be a big difference because if your performance is going to resent, you only need to consume 200 to 400 kcal caloric expenditure unless you've done with your workout.

2. Train strength. You have to work your muscles more than during the preparation phase of the competition. A slight reduction in calories combined with muscle training allows almost all the weight loss is for fat reduction. When no work is introduced toning is also lost weight but this weight is fat in smaller proportions.

3. More and protein supplements. The King of energy is carbohydrates, which must remain the highest percentage of what you eat, but the fat reduction phase has to increase the amount of protein, coming to represent up 30% of the total calories you take. Protein fills you up, promotes muscle regeneration and allows more fat burning. The fat-burning supplements also help by accelerating consumption of fat for energy.

4. Training fasting. It is a good help to lose fat, especially if you are fit, but should not do more than one training a week fasting and intensity should always be mild to moderate.

5. Intensity in your sessions. Research shows that high-intensity interval pose a high burning fat in the hours after the workout itself, leaving metabolism in a state of activation. Make changes intense pace of between 20 "and 1" (depending on intensity), with twice the recovery time between them.

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