plus give us all know the benefits of increased temperature, lubricate
joints, activating the nervous system and increase blood flow to
muscles, must provide a specific technical side to every sporting
Should not be the same warm-up for a corridor for a tennis player,
muscle implications are different and the technical aspects as well.
Heating for better technical
The heating should include simple exercises assimilation technique is an opportunity to include specific patterns of movements practiced sport and thus serve as advance preparation to acquire the muscle activation. The race needs a different postural pattern to nataciĆ³n.Si from the first movements of warming, when our nervous system is more receptive to learning and assimilation of postural patterns, we acquired as a correct gesture, to begin the main activity is not we will be prepared only physiological, but also technical with much right postural attitude, thus avoiding incorrect patterns that start with everyday life instilled in the majority of the population.
Heating for runners
Warming to force activities
Heating for swimming
Stretch yes or no?
There is currently a dispute as to the need for physical activity before stretching. The truth is that stretching have been oversized, especially the traditional static and passive, where prolonged stretching maintains and relaxing the muscles involved.
Not that are contraindicated such stretching, joint mobilization and stretching the muscle is not negative. The problem is when repeatedly performed just before strenuous activity. When performing these stretches maintained, the muscle relaxes, this lowers your stress, but also contractile capacity, not very convenient question when we will need to later time quickly and sometimes reactive with heavy load capacity. Maybe we are not aware, but the simple career requires ankle intense eccentric capacity and rapid concentric contraction to harness elastic energy stored and thus optimum driving force, if stretched too much the sural triceps and all your connective tissue, lose much of this capacity and fast twitch rather than make a profit, all you get is not only a lower yield, but also a greater risk of injury due to instability in the joint. So just before you start your physical activity do not overdo it with passive stretching and maintained
In the warming is good option to include dynamic mobility exercises where you get to stretch your major muscle groups tonics; as adductors, hip flexors, tensor fascia lata and soleus, fundamental to avoid limitations in all lower limb. If your fitness level is already good postural control and you progress through stretches and begins to change liabilities by dynamic and static.
Heat cough
As simple as interesting to include a heating resource is repeatedly coughing. The mechanical act that requires gesture cause coughing several benefits. On the one hand, gets a much-needed activation in the deep abdominal muscles as to create that pressure intra-abdominal transversus abdominis and internal oblique contract reducing abdominal diameter, enabled these deep muscles bring stability and achieve an active pattern lumbopelvic greater stability in the region.
But, moreover, it requires activation of all the ventilation mechanism; gets open and expand the rib cage and diaphragm significantly activating the rest of inspiratory muscles to activate expiratory later. This energetic input and output air prepares the entire respiratory and activate the nervous, important issues that we sometimes forget in the warming system.
Criteria and heating phases
Directly proportional to the intensity of activity
A more physically demanding, greater will be the duration of heating. Continuous running, cycling and swimming are activities that require a simple warming, while explosive activities are those that require a much more comprehensive and complete warming.
→ Involve large muscle chains
It is highly recommended to involve large muscle chains, rather than focusing excessively on a single joint or muscle. They put into action a great gift gets a fascial stretching chains necessary.
→ Progressive; from the general to the specific
1. Dynamic slow and controlled rate.
2. Force autoloading; squats, push-up, strides ...
3. explosives movements; small jumps, impulses.
Heating for better technical
The heating should include simple exercises assimilation technique is an opportunity to include specific patterns of movements practiced sport and thus serve as advance preparation to acquire the muscle activation. The race needs a different postural pattern to nataciĆ³n.Si from the first movements of warming, when our nervous system is more receptive to learning and assimilation of postural patterns, we acquired as a correct gesture, to begin the main activity is not we will be prepared only physiological, but also technical with much right postural attitude, thus avoiding incorrect patterns that start with everyday life instilled in the majority of the population.
Heating for runners
Warming to force activities
Heating for swimming
Stretch yes or no?
There is currently a dispute as to the need for physical activity before stretching. The truth is that stretching have been oversized, especially the traditional static and passive, where prolonged stretching maintains and relaxing the muscles involved.
Not that are contraindicated such stretching, joint mobilization and stretching the muscle is not negative. The problem is when repeatedly performed just before strenuous activity. When performing these stretches maintained, the muscle relaxes, this lowers your stress, but also contractile capacity, not very convenient question when we will need to later time quickly and sometimes reactive with heavy load capacity. Maybe we are not aware, but the simple career requires ankle intense eccentric capacity and rapid concentric contraction to harness elastic energy stored and thus optimum driving force, if stretched too much the sural triceps and all your connective tissue, lose much of this capacity and fast twitch rather than make a profit, all you get is not only a lower yield, but also a greater risk of injury due to instability in the joint. So just before you start your physical activity do not overdo it with passive stretching and maintained
In the warming is good option to include dynamic mobility exercises where you get to stretch your major muscle groups tonics; as adductors, hip flexors, tensor fascia lata and soleus, fundamental to avoid limitations in all lower limb. If your fitness level is already good postural control and you progress through stretches and begins to change liabilities by dynamic and static.
Heat cough
As simple as interesting to include a heating resource is repeatedly coughing. The mechanical act that requires gesture cause coughing several benefits. On the one hand, gets a much-needed activation in the deep abdominal muscles as to create that pressure intra-abdominal transversus abdominis and internal oblique contract reducing abdominal diameter, enabled these deep muscles bring stability and achieve an active pattern lumbopelvic greater stability in the region.
But, moreover, it requires activation of all the ventilation mechanism; gets open and expand the rib cage and diaphragm significantly activating the rest of inspiratory muscles to activate expiratory later. This energetic input and output air prepares the entire respiratory and activate the nervous, important issues that we sometimes forget in the warming system.
Criteria and heating phases
Directly proportional to the intensity of activity
A more physically demanding, greater will be the duration of heating. Continuous running, cycling and swimming are activities that require a simple warming, while explosive activities are those that require a much more comprehensive and complete warming.
→ Involve large muscle chains
It is highly recommended to involve large muscle chains, rather than focusing excessively on a single joint or muscle. They put into action a great gift gets a fascial stretching chains necessary.
→ Progressive; from the general to the specific
1. Dynamic slow and controlled rate.
2. Force autoloading; squats, push-up, strides ...
3. explosives movements; small jumps, impulses.
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